

Every child. Everywhere. In school. is a global, Adventist-led movement to ensure that every child, everywhere, attends school, completes their education, and can fulfil their God-given potential.

A petition will be used to call for action on this issue. More information about the campaign can be found here.

How will this petition be used?

The petition will be used to demonstrate to leaders from across the world the need to take urgent action to see all children receiving a quality education.

Where do I find the petition and resources?

You can direct people to sign the online petition. You can find a printable version of the petition, along with the resources referred to below (including speaking notes, email templates, conversation guides, and social media tools) on the Resources page.



Making this petition effective will require people to sign up. Our goal is to get 1 million signatures! That’s where you can help. The good news is getting signatures to see every child in school is easy.

This petition will exist both online and offline, so you can point people to the website or print out the petition and get them to sign up on the spot.

Getting Signatures in your Church

Ask the leadership whether you can have five minutes to explain the petition during the service to ask congregational members to sign up. It’s best to get people signing up on the spot, rather than waiting to the end of the service.

That means either getting them to pull out their phones and signing up to the petition on our mobile site or ensuring you have plenty of copies of the printable petition, clipboards, and pens (perhaps one for each aisle) available to pass around.

Getting Signatures from your Friends and Networks

Talking to your friends, family, and networks is a great way to kick your petition off and build momentum. Start by shooting out an email to the online petition, inviting them to sign up. We’ve provided a draft email template to get you started.

You can also take the offline petition with you to work or other gatherings.

Social Media

Social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter, is one of the quickest and easiest ways to garner signatures for this petition. Ask your networks to sign, like, and share as well. We’ve prepared some social media graphics you can download and share with the hashtag #EveryChildEverywhere.

Take It Public

Get a team together, e.g. from your church, Pathfinder club, or friendship group, and take the petition public. This is a great way to raise community awareness, and get signatures for your petition. The busier the space is, the more people you will get to talk to. Download the printable petition and the conversation guide to help you approach people.

Find out if there are any regulations in your country or region that require you to get permission, or regulate where you can go. Consider emailing the most relevant authority to find out, e.g. your local council for public spaces, shopping center management, or event organizers if you intend to set up outside events. If you are planning to be present at an event (or you’re organizing one), consider asking for some stage time to promote the petition. Just adapt our speaking notes to help you out!

Go Door to Door

Going door-to-door is a great way to meet people in your local neighborhood, build relationships, and demonstrate the kind of things your local church believes in. It can also be time intensive, so go with a team, and be clear on the time you have available. Download and print copies of the petition to take with you.



Engage your students/school community

If you’re a teacher, school administrator, or student you can engage your students and school community in the campaign. Register your interest when you sign the petition to be alerted when we release our school pack.

Support the campaign as a church department

Department leaders, you can make the campaign a focus or complementary element to your events calendar for 2019 and 2020. Please contact for more information.

Share our videos in the media

Adventist media outlets can run the main campaign video continuously over a 12-18 month period. During this period ADRA will also make available story-based campaign videos that are about 3-5 minutes in length which will make perfect fillers.

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